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Dan Morris 10-06-2015 06:15 PM

Any Speculation
Any thoughts on avalibility of M1911A1's from DCM???????????????? When?
I'm getting the quivers for another..............

Gil Martin 10-06-2015 06:21 PM

It depends
A number of shooters discussed this at our rifle match last Sunday. It appears that legislation is pending to allow DCM to acquire 1911 and 1911A1 handguns. I will believe it when I see it happen. Remember, Obama refused to allow several hundred thousand M1 Garands and M1 Carbines to be imported from South Korea. So I am not holding my breath. All the best...

Adam Helmer 10-07-2015 04:17 PM


I would not be too optimistic about M1911A1s under this current Administration. As Gil pointed out, many available GI Surplus Arms are routinely denied Import into the U.S.

Let us all Pray for better days ahead. Amen.


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