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captain2k_ca 08-28-2016 12:18 PM

25.06 Rem.
Picked up a very nice Ruger M77 in 25.06 a couple months ago.

Shoots factory loads minute of deer no problem. But i want a bit more accurate than that. I have some Nosler Partitions in 120 grain that i am gonna try out. Retumbo is gonna be the powder of choice here. Going to use this round for cow elk this fall.

Now i just need some motivation to hit that reloading bench. Work hasn't been very helpful in giving me time off this summer...

skeet 09-02-2016 01:09 AM

25-06 is still my favorite. I wore out 7 of 'em back yonder with 200 pounds of surplus 4831. Great powder of the caliber and others. The last one I had was a Ruger 77. put around 5000 rounds through it. Retumbo is a good powder but may be a bit slow for it. And now days the best 25 cal bullet for hunting IMO is the Nosler Accubond 110 bullet. Better accuracy, velocity and just shoots flatter. Give up nothing using that bullet

captain2k_ca 09-03-2016 08:09 AM

Thanks for the tip.

I have some H4831 i might try if the retumbo doesnt measure up.

Bullet selection where i live is a huge issue.....pretty much have to pay extra and get them shipped in.

I do have some 100gr hunting ballistic tips to muck about with as well.

captain2k_ca 09-03-2016 08:10 AM

The retumbo showed good results in the latest Nosler reloading im hopeful. I dont have a lot of time to work on it.

captain2k_ca 09-03-2016 08:18 AM

Oh and the rifle is s new to me barely used M77 Hawkeye lefty :D

Jack 09-03-2016 10:42 PM

The Nosler 110 Accubond is the bullet of choice in my 25-06, and a friend of mine's. We've only shot deer with them, haven't recovered a bullet yet. They are as accurate as the Ballistic Tips, too.
I haven't tried Retumbo. Hybrid 100V, Accurate Arms Magpro, and Norma MRP have all worked well.

captain2k_ca 09-05-2016 12:42 PM

Definitely wasnt satisfied with the loads i had worked up. Gonna have to try some different powders and bullets i guess.

Best group was about 1.75" @ 100yd.

skeet 09-21-2016 06:48 AM

I still use Surplus 4831 in the 25-06. With the 100-110 gr bullets I don't even weigh the powder. when ready to powder the case I fill it to the base of the neck.then seat the bullet just off the lands. Every rifle I ever had shot well loaded that way. 270 with the 130 bullet too as well as the 30-06 with a 150 gr. I just found and bought a 50 lb keg of that old surplus 4831 A dollar a pound... at a gun show! Have sold 20 pounds of it already. If you were using the 120 gr bullet I found them to be the least accurate of any weight. Don't think the velocity is high enough in the 25-06 with a 10 twist. Always shot better in my 257 Weatherly's. Best bullet in it is even the 100 grains and the 110 Accubond. I would shoot an elk with that 110 Accubond with the 25-06..or 257 Weatherby

captain2k_ca 09-22-2016 01:47 PM

I had decent results with the 120 partitions. And again with the hornady 117 sst.

I want to try the 110gr accubonds....but i am unable to find any!!!

skeet 09-23-2016 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by captain2k_ca (Post 348966)
I had decent results with the 120 partitions. And again with the hornady 117 sst.

I want to try the 110gr accubonds....but i am unable to find any!!!

Try They quite often have Nosler bullets at reduced prices Sometimes 2nds sometimes overruns. I buy many there... and if you are a vet they give a 10% discount. Probably to Canadians too. They should. I tried the SSTs and found them uninspiring except in my Kimber 30-06. The 165 gr shoots better than I can. A numb from the neck up friend can shoot under a half inch with it... well under. If I can stay under 7/8s I am perfectly happy. And it is a Classic Select grade with very pretty French Walnut. I bought it cause it was pretty and it turned out to be a great shooter. I just checked their site and out of stock but did have Nosler 100 gr Partitions with a price of 14.95 per 50. 115 gr Ballistic tips were 12.95 per 50. Decent bullet also. Great on Antelope

captain2k_ca 09-23-2016 09:02 PM

Unfortunately all reloading components are ITAR controlled and restricted to exporting to Canada. It is possible, bit special permits are required......It is not cost prohibitive.....

captain2k_ca 09-24-2016 10:18 AM

The 120gr partitions cost me a buck each....

Currently looking for some

captain2k_ca 09-24-2016 11:51 AM

Got 2lbs of H4831sc and 100 110gr accubonds locally. That was a hair over $200.....ugh.

skeet 09-27-2016 05:48 AM

200 bucks?? Even Canadian that is wayyy too expensive. I do understand things are a bit ....ummmm... different in Canada. Hope it shoots well for you. I've only used a little 4831 SC. Had to try it but have stuck with the old H since I already have it and the loads "worked" up.

captain2k_ca 09-28-2016 12:19 AM

Nosler bullets are extremely expensive here :(

So is powder.

Plus side....everything i have loaded will shoot under 2 inches at 100 yards. Down side....i cant seem to find a perfect load. H4831sc an the 110 gr SST showed promise. But i always get that 1 flyer.... :/

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