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Adam Helmer 11-29-2017 03:21 PM

My Best Whitetail was Last Monday.
Last Monday, November 27, 2017, was Opening Day for the PA Rifle Deer Season. At 3:35 P.M. I shot a 10-point buck here on my farm in my hayfield.

The buck was a lasered 163 yards from my ground stand. I used a .270 and a 140 grain handload. I fired two shots and have meat in the freezer as of noon today.


Dom 11-29-2017 07:31 PM

Waidmannsheil Adam, sweet. Nothing like shooting a good buck on the opener, on your land. A great feeling and good eating for you's.

I also have a .270 (Sako AV Forester) and used 140gr handloads as well to shoot a lot of deer and fox in Germany, great caliber. I also have meet in the freezer, and the freezer is in Michigan, I retired last year :)

Jack 11-30-2017 06:45 AM

Congratulations, Adam!

Adam Helmer 11-30-2017 11:07 AM


Danke vielmals.

My .270 was a Savage 110E and Sierra 140 grain spitzers and H414 powder. I am a .30 caliber fan with many .30-06 and .308 rifles. I do now have a new respect for the .270 and Savage rifles. Perhaps Jack O'Connor was right all along. LOL.


Adam Helmer 11-30-2017 11:14 AM


Thanks for the good wishes. It has been 13 years since my last buck here on the farm. I put in food plots and do not shoot does. Our deer numbers have rebounded as a result. Perhaps now a doe or two will be taken.


wrenchman 11-30-2017 07:33 PM

congrats i no you feal good

skeet 12-18-2017 01:05 AM

Good for you Adam. Here in Wyoming I do not shoot bucks I have 75-90 deer that hang here eating my garden crops. I had 4 gals that all got a nice doe here. They are the daughters of a local fellow I know. The boss of all those deer is still here as he just hung out here till the buck season was over. Tremendous 12 pointer that would definitely make the book. My neighbors grandson got a nice 6 point whitetail. He had very little time as he had to report back to his base(he's USMC). Glad he got one and that is 2 years in a row. Hate to say it but for the most part does are better eating than most bucks

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