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Old 04-01-2003, 05:32 PM
varminter varminter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: ohio
Posts: 25
22mag hollow points

fellas, I just got this new 22mag savage md93 stainless its really a beatiful gun but i cant find any shells that it likes so far i have shot CCI TNTs and they shoot groups about the size of a basketball at 100yds and the most accurate ones were the remington ballistc tips they shoot about the size of a quarter at 100yds but heard that ballistic tips out of a 22mag just dont have the power they need to fragment is this true? I have shot pop bottles filled with water and they have about 10-15 little BB sized fragments at the bottom i just dont think that would be good enough for ground hogs and fox if anyone has shot varmints with 22mag ballistic tips let me know what happend. So if i need to go with a hollow piont bullet i was thinking of trying federals 30gr hollow point or winchester supremes which ever one shot the best at 100yrds so fellas if you could help me out i would really be thankful!!
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