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Old 12-30-2004, 08:12 AM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Mansfield, PA
Posts: 3,865

I was a Postal Inspector from 1970 until 1996; for 10 of those years I was also the Firearms Instructor for all 100 Inspectors in New England. We had S&W M10 2-inch and 4-inch .38 Specials when I went on duty in 1970. In 1989 we went to the Glocks. In 1995 we went to the 9mm Berettas. I worked with other federal and state agencies. Yes, the FBI did use 9mms for a time, then they had .40 S&Ws and some 10MMs for special squads. Some old agents there still had wheelguns in 1996, but I am not sure what is standard issue now that I am retired.

I preferred the Glock 19 and was able to buy mine and it retired with me in 1996. Happy New Year.

Adam Helmer
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