I also would not try to stop a hog with a .22-250. I`ve killed alot of farm raised hogs with a .22 LR revolver at point blank range, but a wild hog with a bad hit can get real mad and do alot of damage. Get something alot bigger. As for deer I would recomand the Nosler partitions, I`ve never been able to get them to shoot well in any gun I`ve tried them in, but they will be good for a 100 yrd. shot. The 63 gn. Serria semi pointed would also be a good choice. You shoyuld be able to get loading data from a Serria manual, or from about any other loading manual. I want to be able to hold a 6 in. group at the max. range I`ll be shooting deer, so if your max. range is 100 yrds. you really won`t need much in the way of accuracy.