Like you said, if your going to use it in Oh. you`ll have to go with the .44 mag. I live in Oh. and I`ve killed several deer with the .44 mag. useing iron sights. The longest shot was 135 yrds. quartering away on a trot. I would recomand that you for get the 4X scope and go with a 2X scope on a handgun. Finding your target in a handgun scope is alot harder than in a rifle scope, that`s why I`ve always used iron sights to hunt when useing handguns. I am setting up a Red Hawk in .454 with a scope for a walk around gun for next year and a .500 S&W with a scope for a stand gun for next year. What ever handgun you use, it is important you shoot it alot. Handgun ain`t like rifles.