I may be wrong, but my impression is that those of us who were shooting ML rifles etc., all along, are still using the old-time actions mostly, but the people who are the hottest about the inlines, sabots, HV loads, etc., are people who have only joined us muzzleloader types since the advent of these contraptions, and BECAUSE of them.
BINGO! El, I think you hit the nail on the head......inlines make it MUCH easier to hunt with a muzzleloader than using a traditional weapon; don't have to worry about matching patch size to ball size, working up a load, weighing out powder, ect,ect......and the game departments are using the special "muzzleloading" seasons now to control out of control deer herds, not so much to provide a positive "hunting" (not 'killing') experience. And for a lot of folks, it's all about the kill and not the hunt. What gripes me the most about some inline shooters is that they say there is NO difference between and inline and a traditional flintlock or caplock because they are single shots and load from the front; that's like saying there is no difference between a Model T and a Ferrari because they both have 4 wheels and a steering wheel!

Guess the same thing can be said of modern bowhunters; I wonder how many would be out in thier tree stands if the compound bow handn't been invented, and all the other gadgets and gizmos (carbon arrows, plastic fletching, bowsights, releases, changeable broadheads, ect) weren't available. Those of us who have shot "stick bows" and hunted with them know there IS a difference.
Quite interestingly, reread the title of your post...."Traditional...becoming the past?" Yes, traditional IS becoming the past; it let's you live as your forefathers did, and it takes you back to a better age (some say) where one didn't worry about mismanged game herds, politics in the F &W departments, antihunters, squabbles among hunters, people who only hunt for the biggest set of antlers, ect.
Guess I'm lucky that I have a traditional BP shop within 50 miles of my house....I can get my BP there, as well as lead, traditional supplies, ect. They also have a great gunsmithing dept, carry traditional gear such as candle lanterns, flint & steel, ect. and make period correct clothing.