hntr, did you buy the Encore as a pistol or rifle? I ask because it sounds like you purchased it in rifle form since you mentioned needing a stock and forearm. If this is the case YOU CANNOT put a pistol grip on this frame or a barrel less than 16". This is the Federal law! If you want an Encore/Contender pistol, you must first buy the gun in pistol form and have the frame legally licensed as a handgun. Once you do that, you can legally switch the frame from pistol to rifle to pistol again without any legal issues. Again this is federal law and considered pretty serious, no sense in risking prosecution over. I understand you are going to go with the Redhawk, but remember this for future reference.
If you Encore was in pistol form already, than you know all this, my apologies! I just know a lot of folks don't realize how the law works concerning these guns!
Enjoy the new Redhawk!