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Old 01-20-2005, 10:17 PM
kt kt is offline
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tree doc, a glunk? it seems as though you think a glock is the sbe of the pistol world, not so at all without one in the chamber you are asking for bad news, the whole idea to not have the bad guy know you have a gun until you are prepared to fire, well for us ccw folk any how. i believe in the glock trigger, and would say as far as safety it is right there with a dao revolver or for that matter a kahr pistol or a kelt-tec pistol which both dont even have a trigger safety. but you wouldnt be alone if you thought a glock with one in the hole was uncomfortable, springfield picked up on this and built something very similar to a glock but added a 1911 grip safety which seems to be reassuring to the thousands who are buying those, any how the address here is very relavant and is a thread on basically the same topic,
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