Thread: SA or DA?
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Old 01-22-2005, 04:57 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I have always prefered SA. Over the years I`ve taken alot of game with the old SA and iron sights. In the last few years I`ve not been shooting handguns as much as I used to and have started useing scopes on them. Since there is no way that you could ever get me to scope one of my old SA I got a acouple of T/C`s and acouple of DA`s to scope. I have a Red Hawk in .454 for a carry gun when drivering deer and a .500 S&W for setting a stand. If I`m jsut muchroon hunting or something like that I`ll usually carry a .22 semi-auto or a SA .44 mag. It just boils down to what gun you like, and what you feel like packing at the time.
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