Premium Bullets
As to the need for using premium bullets on deer, Barnes X to be specific: IMO there is no such thing as "overkill" where killing game humanely is concerned. (Chasing a deed for 3 miles when a non-premium bullet blew up on a shoulder hit convinced me of that).
I feel it's my reponsibility, out of respect for the game animal, to use the best available materials to do the job. I use conventional bullets to practice. But only Barnes X to hunt with. That's why 18 one-shot kills, never a lost animal, with none going more than 50 yrds after the hit, using relatively small calibers (25/06, 260, 7/08, 284 and 280) speaks for itself.
After all, how much can one shot cost?
To be more specific, I tend to load the X's light for caliber: 100gr in 25/06, 120gr in 260 and 140's in the 7mm'. These give me great trajectory and terminal energy becasue the bullets just don't disintegrate. Have only recoved one from game and it was +95% weight retention.. after passing the entire length of the buck. Anticipating possible squaks about "dumping energy on the ground:" the results still speak for themselves.