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Old 01-30-2005, 09:35 AM
Bill Allen Bill Allen is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: tulsa,oklahoma
Posts: 48
Originally posted by Brithunter
Hi There,

I will answer with another question:-

What is the easiest ammo to get where you are and hunt?
I don't know. I live in a city of about a million people so I would assume that acquiring a good variety of ammo would not be a problem. I don't have any plans to do any reloading so I need a caliber that does have a good selection of factory ammo.

After finding this forum and extensively reading the threads I have learned that a non magnum caliber is what I probably need. I like the 25 caliber suggestion but how do I narrow my choice from there? Are there just small differences in the calibers suggested or are they all very close and one will be as good as another for a novice like myself and my hunting situation?
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