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Old 01-30-2005, 01:36 PM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Eastern England
Posts: 550
Hi There,

So where you live there should be a good selection of ammo...... good, now some one has already said check out the S/H rifles. Well I would certainly do that and as you are not hard and fast set on a cartridge you have a nice wide open field to look at. Myself I would be looking as the condition first, the rest will follow. Once you have found a likely candidate, if possible mount it as if you are going to shoot it. Now do the sights line up naturally? ....... or do you have to shift your head, even without a scope fitted if has no iron sights you should get an idea if it fits you. The fit of a rifle is more important than a lot of folks realise, it can the difference bewten a good solid hit and a miss or very poor hit should you have to moutn the rifle and fire quickly in the field.

Once you find a real nice condition rifle which feels right worry about what it's chambered for then. I would certainly steer away from the magnums though, the ammo is more costly and for what you want they just are not needed.

Oh and have fun lookinf and good luck in your quest!
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