If you have liked the 308 why not stay with it. Even in a lighter rifle the recoil is not bad. If you want a little less recoil the 7mm 08 or even 243 would be great choices. I have both a 243 and 308. They have the same case size just the 243 is necked down. The 7mm-08 is right in the middle between the 243 and 308.
I would stay with the 308 due to a little more "knockdown" with heavier bullets. The heaviest bullet for the 243 is 100gr. The 308 can go easily up to the 165 to 180 grain bullet which since you rarely shoot over 200 yards the bullet drop should not matter. Also there is an endless supply of inexpensive 308 ammo since it is a military caliber, great ammo for just plinking.
As for the rifle there are countless choices. The Savage is an inexpensive yet accurate rifle with the new accutrigger. You can get the heavy or light weight barrel.
Remington also has a great assortment of rifles a little more expensive than the Savage but the Remington has a history of rock solid reliability and many many after market upgrades available.
I would go to the local gun shop and try on a few, see how they fit. Then see what falls in your price range.
For Me, the price range thing usually makes my decision for me.