good thread
i stumbled upon this by accident. one summer while helping a local boyscout troop fish for sunnies one father hooked into a fish that sure wasnt a sunny. well when it got close i could see it was a nice four pound largemouth. when i lipped him a huge sunny that was hooked in the mouth came flying out still flopping on the line. it seems the sunny was to large for the bass and maybe due to the back spines he couldnt spit it back out after he swallowed it head first. we all got a good laugh. since then in the summer near my house i fish a canal. in the early morning i catch a mess of smass 3 to 5 inch bluegills. then i put them in a minnow bucket, switch to heavier line and walk the edge of the canal. if i see a bass on the prowl i am to drop the sunny right on his head, the plop of the fish hitting the water fires them up and the chase is on. works great for an area hit hard with carolina rigs and spinner baits.