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Old 02-07-2005, 11:59 PM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Back in the Midwest!
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Well, I've had good luck with the 140 grain Core-lokt factory loads from remington. The bottom line is that you should use whatever ammo your gun likes best. Buy a few boxes of different ammo, and see what groups the best. All factory loads out of a 7mm RM are capable of killing deer (just don't use varmint bullets). Expansion and penetration are inversely related, so you won't get a great amount of either with any particular bullet, although most factory loads will exit with a broadside shot to the ribs. With animals the size of deer, it really doesn't matter with a 7mm. Find a bullet that shoots well, and it'll kill any deer you'll run into.

We hunt, not only because we want to, but because at our basest levels we must.
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