Thread: Black bear..
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Old 02-16-2005, 10:22 AM
ol_spark ol_spark is offline
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Thanks for the input guys..

I'm sort of curious about the statement of a biologist discouraging a person from hunting in their area all together. I have invisioned things such as them not wanted to be bothered by someone they don't know, fearing they'll become lost or in trouble and it'll take time out of their day because it is in their area, to someone whose is being over protective of the animals in their area and givings false info in hopes of maintaining the balance to whatever he/she feels in right. Give me a little clue on that if you could. Sounds like an interesting topic.

I just thought it would be more up close and personnal to do the walk up the salmon stream thing.
I only hunt on days that end in "Y"
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