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Old 02-20-2005, 09:00 AM
multibeard multibeard is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: west michigan
Posts: 503
Ice fishing get together

Yesterday a group from a Michigan based outdoor site had a get together to icefish the lake I was brought up fishing. There were aroung 40 that showed up for the shindig.

We fixed breakfast for everyone at 6 am at a local hall. Due to the thaw from the week before the ice wasn't safe where every one had wanted to fish steelhead we all went to one area to fish. Not many fish were caught but a lot of oneline friendships were finally sealed with a hand shake.

In mid afternoon we all met back at the hall for lunch and goodbys.

The highlight of the day [tho sad] was when a shanty got cought by the wind. The owner had bought one of those ice saws made in Minn in the morning. It went down the only hole it ever cut in the ice into 20 foot of water. It was located with one of the guys fishcams but they couldn't get ahold of it and pull it out of the mud.

Also his 9 pix digital camera went in the water but it was saved. Hopefully it can be salvaged. He bought another saw before the day was over but will never live down having the one deepsixed
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