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Old 02-26-2005, 09:39 PM
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DogYeller DogYeller is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 567
True story

In the mid 70's I got my first Compound Bow. It was on the doorstep when I got home from work, around midnight.

I unpacked it and it was what was advertised strung up and ready to go. Since it was too late to go outside and shoot a few I sat on the couch and pulled it a few times. I was wearing a pair of cut off Levies and I had the Bow resting on my inner thigh. The last time I let the bow down it rolled the skin between the boys and my knee up between the wheel and the cable. I had to pull the bow to full draw to get loose. The next morning I had a bruise from my crotch to my knee.

It hurt like hell.
The first ammendment provides for freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.
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