havent taken deer with my 2506 yet, but in my opion it is the best of the best when it comes to deer only calibers. its fast flat acurate and does it all with factory ammo,
im kinda in your shoes. i reload for both my 270wsm and 2506. latly ive been loadinf for the wsm just for the simple fact that i havent found the acuracy i want outa facotry ammo. i tested about 8 difrent powder charges in the wsm and finaly found one i liked that pushed the 140gr nolser bt just hair faster than 3000fps. i found this process a true pain in the ass. grrrr
my 2506 shoots about every thing i feed it plenty acurate enough to keep me happy, my load of choice is some kinda powder pushn some kinda charge, undere the 100gr nolser balistic tip. cant remember the load or powder off hand but i do know it keeps me happy.
it also like 100gr factory rem core lokts. this facotry ammo shooots so well ive almost quit reloading for it. the facotry rem core lockt load is fairly slow and the bullet bc leavs something to be desired but it just flat out works doesnt matter if im shootn at 100yds or 400. more often then not the varmit is sent tumbling and peices are flying.
so i gree the 2506 along with all the other 257 calibers make great deer only rifles and when deers on the menu youl never be left wanting more.