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Old 02-28-2005, 07:15 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Mtn Home Idaho
Posts: 1,847
looks like the 257 cals are takin the ranks.

6 vots for 257
1 for 277

and one wildcat .25/308

im bound and determined to get deer with my 270wsm, i branded the rifle as mine this last deer season in one pack in hunt. rifle looks more like its 10 years old than 2. its very acurate and awesome handling rifle. recoil is very managable, and thats saying alot comeing from me. i run from recoil.

everything in a standerd cartridge from 6mm-300win will make a very good deer gun, difrent tastes and styles of hunting will decide what caliber is best out the bunch.
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