Thread: Wipers
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Old 03-02-2005, 07:40 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eldon Mo
Posts: 1,916
Thats a good one for sure. They are definitely fighters. Im not too sure that those hybrids, pound for pound, dont fight harder than the stripers though. They are built for fighting, just look at em.

Ill give you a little tip on your Redfins. Dont be mad at me if you ruin one the first time you try it though. I did.

When the fish are surfacing, its best if the Redfin is making a v-wake across the surface. They tend to want to dive, making it hard to keep your rod tip the right height during the retrieve to keep it from going under, especially when theres a 15lb fish swattin at it and you need to keep it workin.

Take your Redfin and put a bigger hook on the back. Helps with hookups and makes it a little more tail heavy. Then, just in front of the back hook, put some of those lead suspend strips. Depends on the bait, but 3-7 of them. Just enough to keep the tail down and helps keep it from diving on retrieve.

You can stop there, but one other thing makes it even easier to work, but this is what can ruin one if your not careful. Take a cigarette lighter and heat the molded bill up and bend it where its almost 90 degrees. That way it will stay on top better without trying to dive. Also adds some action to it.

Good Luck
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