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Old 03-14-2005, 01:12 AM
"yote" "yote" is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: SE MN.
Posts: 275
22-250 on deer? Are people nuts!! Hell, I consider the 243 a
MARGINAL deer round. 22-250's might be fine for a texas fawn,
but if you try to use one on deer up here in MN they will lock you up! That's why the vast majority of states prohibit the use of
.22 cal on deer and other big game.

P.S. get a WAY bigger gun for those hogs!!!!!
NEFP, No offense but those are baby pigs. The area that we have
hunted in TN for the last few years, the boars have run 375-430#
We don't even waste our bullets on the little ones, We just let
the dogs( Airdales) kill them.

Last edited by "yote"; 03-14-2005 at 01:20 AM.
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