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Old 03-17-2005, 09:23 PM
VinVega VinVega is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Northeastern Kentucky
Posts: 570
First time out with my new Beretta

I finally broke down and bought me a Beretta 92FS recently. For a week or two, I haven't had the chance to take it out for its first shooting. Sure, I've handled it, cleaned it, and marveled at its beauty, but not shot it until today. Took it out, ran three mags through it (only had one box of ammo with me), and am thoroughly impressed. While there are plenty of pistol shooters than me out there, this gun hit right where I wanted it to every time. All 45 shots were within about 6-7 inches. Dropped one or two, but that's about it. This gun shoots better than I do, and I sure hope I can get lots of practice time in and can get even better. I've wanted this gun since I was little and played with G.I. Joe's (which all had Beretta 92's). I grew up, got the real toy, and wouldn't change that decision if I could.
When they come for your guns, make sure you give them the ammo first.

Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.
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