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Old 03-18-2005, 12:15 PM
MarkL MarkL is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Houston
Posts: 388
I heard somewhere that female deputy was rather petite, like the guy outweighed her about 3 to 1. She should never have been assigned to escort him. A pretty high price was paid for that bit of political correctness.

I'm pretty fond of the "innocent until proven guilty" policy. Yes, it makes the prosecuter's job a little harder. That's the whole idea.

I'll even say that the accused should not be presented to the jury in shackles and prison garb because it is prejudicial. Instead, they should wear some kind of remote controlled stun device under their clothing. The escort, bailiff, judge, and maybe a few other folks in the immediate vicinity should be able to stun the guy with the push of a button if he misbehaves or tries to escape. It could also be designed to engage if it gets too far away from the remote control(s) so the prisoner can't get very far if he manages to sneak away.
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