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Old 04-01-2005, 06:14 AM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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Sorry it took so long to reply..dern I've been busy!

Fabs, wether it the be the bailiff er the judge..they are all part of the "system" and iffin all the gears aint turnin right..the whole thing goes to pot. Iffin I'm gittin the blame-thrower would be pointed at the whole dam thing in general.
And, you are right in sayin, it IS society's fault. But here's the a human matter what yer job title is here on this can a judge er anybody fer that matter, sit with the authority to NOT hire a sex offender at schools, and NOT send an innocent child into a hellhole every other week (look at how many times you see kids abducted by their father and KILLED..and he had visitation rights) and sleep at night?
How can you say.."well, he's perty rough, on drugs, no stable home, in and out of jail, but it's ok..he surely caint hurt his be it."

As a human bein, how can you knowingly do such things?
Maybe I'm weird, maybe it's just me. But I couldnt..I dont care what society thinks of me. That's an issue too..what other people think. It's all just insane.

I wonder how that judge feels today w/ that feller who took his 3 kids from the house, killed them all, and then went into the police station shootin...I wonder iffin he sleeps at night. Can he forsee the future? No..but where there's smoke..there's usually fire..and there could have been a supervised visits.

It truly aches my heart to see it all..those children..those poor children..who's lives depend on what a runned-down society "thinks".
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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