I don't think any judge in his right mind would say "this guy is rough, on drugs, has no stable home, and he is in and out of jail" but it would be fine for him to have visitation rights.
I agree Fabs, but you know what? My child goes to see that same man every other weekend. It happens..often.
I reckon that's my point..
I do understand a judge's position..it is a very tough one. Nine times outta 10 both sides are telling lies er stretchin the truth to some extent and he's gotta figure all that out plus do what the law tells him to do in that situation...but most the time..they dont even care to do that.
I wont bore ya'll w. the details of my court proceedings, but I'll be glad to tell you how badly and pitiful it really was, I swear your jaw will drop...mine did..for an entire year my jaw was eatin dirt over the craziness...I know 1 judge..and I know there are many others..who could care less about equality in a case. The judge I had, went soley on the word of the guardian-ad-litem...who was WORTHLESS..I swear..you wouldn't believe it. I will tell ya'll this much...when I protested that fact that my x drank all the time and drove all the time..my x spoke up and told the judge that "he likes to have a beer every once in a while..there aint nuthin wrong with that"..and I swear on the holy bible on my Pop's (God rest his soul) good word, that dam judge sat there and said "Well I like to have a drink after work too, I dont blame you for that."
But the fool got caught drunk drivin! Where's the line here? Where's the common-friggin-sense??
It's over with now, and my son is used to seein his Dad, and he loves him, no matter how he lives his pathetic life. But I swear, if that child gits hurt, er God ferbid killed in a car wreck on counta that dam judge..I'll have that judge in court for the rest of his life.