Thread: bullet seating
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Old 04-05-2005, 01:47 PM
rattus58 rattus58 is offline
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Location: Hawaii
Posts: 487
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is generally for safety purpose, not seating the bullet on powder.

Consistency probably is the most important aspect of proper loading. Weigh out your charges is always better than just tossing powder. Tapping your volume measure then refiliing and tapping the load again till its even with the top is next in being consistent.

Pour your powder, tamp it down with a wad of some sort, then load your bullet to just seat on the powder. Don't press it, crush it, or compact it.

Some people swear by the loading tools that you can "set" the loading pressure. If you want to compact your powder then this is probably an ok thing to do. Remember to bring it into the field with you when you are hunting.

Swabbing one or two runs between shots with a patch is always a good idea. Just do it all the time.

Sometimes no matter how well we load a rifle, WE do something that causes a flyer. Most of us know its a flyer befor the bullet even gets to the target.

Aloha ....
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