I see you talking about using 75gr Ballistic tips on deer. Which ones are you using? Give me some details on performance, please.
I have been tempted to do that very thing for whitetails. I didnt know if I could get good enough penetration or not. I have been shooting some 75gr VMaxs for playing around as we have talked about before. They are fun, but so explosive, I wouldnt think they would be too good for deer. But, could be wrong. I know they blow the hell outta whatever they hit.
Thought maybe a little heavier jacketed ballistic tip may be the answer. However, I did kill an elk with the VMax. Not hunting elk, but I bought one to butcher and it got out of the pen on me. Only thing I had was the 25-06AI in the seat of my pickup and it was loaded with the 75gr VMaxs. She stopped to look back at approx 200 yards and I shot her right under the ear with it. Dropped like she was hit by the hammer of god.
Hey, I just thought of something. I got a new proclomation to make.
The 25-06 with the 75gr VMax is the Perfect Elk Cartridge.