Thread: Weed Money
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Old 04-08-2005, 03:00 PM
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gregarat gregarat is offline
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Good for business.
For the Bail Bondsmen, or the State, County, City, Town?
Dont get me wrong, if your stoned off your goard when dealing with the man. You deserve what you get.

Places like Indiana, Oklahoma ect. Dont screw around when it comes to pot. I wonder if some of the same "crime fighters" would give their buddy a slap on the wrist for driving drunk?

Now that Im working security for someone who isnt a buddy, I havent messed with that stuff in quite awhile now.

Thats o.k. by me. Now I can concentrate on my main vices Shooting, hunting, fishing. Pluse now I can look down my nose, and shake my fist at "them dirty Hippies"

This reply was in NO WAY meant, to be in your face.
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