hmmmmm well my topic went asstray over there and i like to delete the hole thread but i cant, my word got alittle out of hand but heres the catch. i would in heart beat use the 75gr vmax on deer but i dont consider it to be deer bullet. not in anycaliber. but with well placed shot itl knock deer down just like alot of other calibers with stouter bullets. id have to enphasize alot on the well placed shot if one was to use this bullet.
i havent taken deer with any vmax. but ive hear the 75gr amax works very well on deer sized game. id like to give it a try. im not even positive the 75 amax is available in 257. im hearing the 243 75 amax is what works very good. if i was to get 243 thats the bullet id load first. id use it to varmit and deer hunt.
a lighter weight 257 bullet i like is the 85 nolser balistic tipp. ive shot coyotes and other varmits with this bullet and it isnt anywhere near as explosive as the vmax. i could if i wanted to shoot alittle faster than what my gun does with the 100gr nolser bt, load this bullet exsculsevily for al my varmiting and deer hunting. ive pretty much settled on the 100gr bt and load only it in the 25 now.
even the 270wsm ive only ever loaded nolser balistic tipps. ive just found that they do the job and are acurate.
ive heard nolser bts weighing a certain amount have heavier jackets than the lighter bts, but ive never been able to find out if this is true or find out whhere the weight cut off is. the lightest ones ive shot are 75s in the 25.
thats about all i have. id kinda str