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Old 04-10-2005, 07:42 AM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
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Bullets like the V Max. are a very poor choice for deer. If you can put the bullet in the brain or between the ribs into the chest they will look devistating, but if you hit a bone you are left with a flesh wound. The first groundhog I shot with my .257AI I shot at about 15 yrds. with a 75 gn. Serria HP. It litterly through him 3 ft. and flipped him over, but the bullet did not exit. If your deer bullets won`t shot through a groundhog you better get a different bullet. I loaded shome 110 FNHP for a friend`s .30-30 to shoot groundhog and coyotes. He took them to KY deer hunting and thought he found the end all deer bullet. He took a deer at abt. 50 yrds. with a shot through the chest and it dropped like a rock. The thing is if he would have hit the deer from about anyother angle the bullet would not have had the penatration nessary to kill the deer.
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