got my 10/22 rolling.
it was 10/22T to start with but the ruger heavy barrel was junk so i bought a 16.5" fluted(ideal lenght for 22lr) blued green mtn barrel that flat out shoots. its sitting in rugers laminated target stock with a 3-9 loe sitn on top. on weaver base and millet rings. plan to change out the rings for some leupolds. dont like the milletts.
been waitn for the weather to get good and go shoot some squrels. rifle loves velociters. those things are acurate and exstend its range a little bitt. can drop squrels consistenly at 90yds to 100 if the winds dead calm. if its blowing its very inconsintent at that range.
i tend to shoot for the longer range stuff with the rifle. ounce the squrels come out and i get the itch my bypods mounted on it i think its the coolest thing laying down with the bipods and popn them with pretty much every shot at around 60yds. 75 even .
what all are you guys shootin for the little ground squreils.??