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Old 04-12-2005, 03:52 PM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Location: Illinois-NW
Posts: 702
Red face Glasses, Gittin Old, & Relief-Eyes That Is

So...Good afternoon Folks,

After noticing my eyes feeling strained after work and my trap/clays scores dropping the past month (hey, we've got to blame sumthin' cuz there's no way it could be us, right?! ) I finally sauntered my way into the ol' eye doc.

It seems that the ol' eyesight ain't what it once was so they fitted me with a pair of bi-focals today. (The eye exam was last week-now I know why the elderly folk walk outta the eye doctor with the "Awnowd" Terminator glasses) I've never had to wear any kind of eye corrective lenses before so this is all new to me.

The opthamologist at the clinic recoiled back at my expression when she made her recommendation after the ol' exam last week. She assured me that the glasses today are much better than the coke bottles of yesteryear. I was surprised myself at how thin the lens actually are! (in addition to how bad my eyes had actually gotten over time as I continually peep over the frames here at work in amazement)

Anyhoo, I of course, got to thinking about shooting and was wondering what considerations, if any should be made with respect to the shooting sports (both rifle and shotgun) Does it take awhile to adjust for the changes in eye relief, sight picture, etc.

I'm planning to head out for some trap in a couple of weeks and would appreciate, as always, any helpful advise!
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