I have mixed feelings on this one.
Personally, I think we should build a great wall of America across the border and citizens of the United States should each take a week out of their year to patrol it.
As a son of Italian immigrants, I believe in immigration to a certain extent, but I also think that people should not be able to cross our border willie nillie. We should also screen those people that are coming in. How do we know that they are not rapists, murderers, or whatever else fleeing South America to come to the US? We should be more selective about who we take in, and whomever we take in should be documented. There is a paper trail miles long on me, so we should at least have finger prints and names of these immigrants in a database.
Now, what this guy did is pretty tough to condone because condoning it would mean that other people could stop people they "thought" were illegal aliens. Can you imagine the mess that would cause?
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better.