Yes, my parents were LEGAL immigrants.
I also agree that if you are breaking the law to enter this country, you are already a criminal and we don't need you over here.
This whole thing about human rights is making me want to puke. There is a line of common decency, but on the news today I heard about how the students at American University were protesting the school's renting a site on campus to Starbucks. It seems as though there is something known as fair trade coffee, and I have no clue exactly what that means, but it has something to do with buying coffee beans from those producers that treat their employees right. Seems as though Starbucks doesn't buy many "fair trade" coffee beans and the students wanted to give the site to another lesser known company that did. However, one of the students did say that the other company's coffee didn't taste as good as Starbucks.
Whatever happened to capitalism. What really makes me sick is that these same students are probably wearing clothing made in Malayasia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand and driving cars made in Korea. How do these places treat their employees?
America is getting weak with all the political crap. Alas, I fear that America is falling victim to the same thing that lead Rome to fall apart. Politics is making the country weak. Back in the day, we killed Mexicans and took their land. I think we did the same with the French and the English. Now, we worry about their civil rights and human rights as they try to enter illegally. Pretty soon, we are going to worry about the human rights of terrorists.
I could go on and on about this, but the night is getting late and I still have work to do.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.