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Old 04-14-2005, 09:27 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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Billy, I deleted your duplicate post.

There isn't a single soul on this continent whose ancestors didn't immigrate here. Doesn't matter if it was five years ago or 50,000, we're all the children of immigrants.

Some of those aliens came here honorably and legally. Most likely they came here from Europe or Asia, and they did everything in their power to become Americans. My own father-in-law was the youngest child in his large family - and the first one to be born in the USA. He remembers being forced to enter his friends' houses by the kitchen door because he was Italian. But he worked hard enough to graduate as a lawyer from Notre Dame University.

More power to such people. And welcome.

But that sentiment does not extend to those who sneak into the country illegally to take advantage of our social programs or to send their (illicit) wages back to their own country. Even worse, to commit crimes here.

This illegal immigration plague is just like a virus infection. Let enough in and the body dies.

Stop it. Now.
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