Yeah, well listen to this one.
My fiance is a pharmacist and she attended some week long seminar in Orlando, FL for the American Pharmacist Association. She also happens to be an officer of that organization.
She got pretty fired up at two of the seminars. One was on financial planning and the financial planner giving the lecture was putting down CPA's and attorneys, and I happen to be both of them. After that, he started stating that if you die without a will, the state will get all your money. That definitely is not the way it works in Maryland, and I highly doubt that it is that way anywhere else. It is one of those myths. Now, the state will get your money if you die without a will and you have no surviving relatives or no surviving relatives can be located, and my fiance new this because we had already talked about it. The two ladies on each side of my fiance had to restrain her from raising her hand and kicking this guy.
The second seminar that she got fired up at was a customer service meeting. The person giving the seminar said that to better serve their customers/patients, they should try to learn Spanish. My fiance definitely raised her hand on that one and tore into the lady about the fact that they should learn English. The lady responded that my fiance was being pretty prejudicial to immigrants. That is when my fiance replied that her mother was a direct immigrant from Italy and that her father was a second generation Italian. However, her grandparents on her father's side learned English and her mother, aunts, and uncles all learned English as did her fiance's Italian immigrant parents. I think we are making it way too easy on these immigrants.
I received a Ford magazine last year that was in English and Spanish. Well, I wrote them a nasty letter about having to rethink ever buying another Ford vehicle even though I have bought 3 of their vehicles already. Haven't received a Ford magazine since.
The problem is that companies and people in general are greedy and the immigrants are the type of people that spend a lot of money. Hence, they want to be able to market their product to them. Such is life.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.