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Old 04-14-2005, 09:45 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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You posted while I was writing my book.

Lately, I have been in criminal court for a couple of clients, mostly small stuff, but the majority of the people there are immigrants. What burns me up even more is that they get an interpreter.

One guy was lying so blatantly to the judge that I was getting pissed. However, the judge called him out on it. It started out like this:

Judge: "Where is your attorney?"

Defendant (always through an interpreter): "He was too busy to make it today."

Judge: "Have you spoken to the Public Defender as you were instructed to do so by the Commissioner upon your release and by the Judge at your pre-trial hearing."

Defendant: "Yes, that is my attorney, but he said he was too busy today to show up for this trial."

Judge: "When did you speak to him?"

Defendant: "A while ago, but he just told me yesterday that he would be too busy today to come to this trial."

Judge: "Okay, we will pass on this case for now so that we can call down to the Public Defender's Office and see what is going on."

Defendant: "Oh no, I didn't speak to the Public Defender, I spoke to some other attorney."

Judge: "What is that attorney's name?"

Defendant: "I don't know."

Judge: "We will pass on this case right now so that plea bargains can be entered, but I suggest that you get your attorney on the phone and get him here because this will be tried after all the plea bargains are entered."

Defendant: "I don't actually have an attorney, and would like a postponement so I can get one."

Judge: "This case is going to be tried today."

The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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