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Old 04-15-2005, 12:32 PM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Metro Detroit, Michigan
Posts: 282
Talking Re: friggen no minds

Originally posted by ghost stalker
i hear ya. it seems as though the people who are making the decisions are the people who don't live or have to deal with these problems. this kind of stuff really drives me up the wall. not shortage of cats on the isle. if you see one in you yard.........well you know! when i lived in courtenay i had a bear hit my garbage for 2 weeks strait. the funny thing is 65ft from my house was a salmon stream loaded with rotting salmon at the time. when the bear mysteriously passed on he had a diaper in his mouth from my garbage can.....the funniest thing ya know!
That's One "Bad Azz" diaper! It took out a Bear!

I feel sorry for the people who have to "Take any means necessary" to protect their home, life's, or livestock, While having to hear "Don't hurt the Poor animals!" from the PETA/City morons!

I grew up in the city(and a Yankee), and Of Canadian heritage but always felt that there was a mix up at the hospital....I've always felt more at home down south and out in the country. I prefer the people I know and meet there, and I can't stand the idiots I live around here in Metro Detroit. I just hope that someday I can afford to move somewhere down south or out west.

Best of Luck with Your Troubles!,
Tall Shadow
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