Ya know, It always amazes me, that a great bunch of people do something great, like this group does, and Yet where in all of Our modern media do We hear about it?????
Instead Our "Friends" in the media are too busy pushing, gay rights, Oprah, Single parenting, and the rest of Their agenda(s) down our collective throats.
It's also fun to note that the very people most "Blue State Residents" dispise, are the very ones trying to fix what their screwed up running of this country has brought to Us.
I wish that there were no need for groups like these, but I'm glad that there are.
Wish I still had a bike........."Hey Honey!?.......Ya know how you we're always wanting to help out kids?!?!?!...........Well I've got an Idea!....."
Naw, It'd never work!
Tall Shadow