LOL...let's see here..
As the story goes, that triangle-headed "lawman" went all over creation talkin bout that cannon them Virginians got. So, when the West Virginians heard about the mighty cannon, they sent word for the Virginians to meet them on the mtn just west of Jack mtn. Well, them ole West Virginians stood on the tallest peak they could find to shoot at them ole Virginians. Them Virginians..they grunted that there cannon to a lil place high on a tall mountain..but was flat at the top. They had plenty of space for that cannon not to go backward from the shootin and fall off, so they put that thing as fer as they could to the edge of the mountain facin the great state of WVA.
When they got the cannon in place..them West Virginians started hollerin "Look at all them Indians a comin! I aint fightin no Virginian w/ all them Indians a comin behind em!"
The Virginians believed em..and they turned that cannon around as fast as they could, lightin the fuse fore they even got it all the way around so that it would go off fore them Indians could see it pointed at em. They got it turned around and........ Boom!
The cannon went flyin offa the edge backwards and went all the way down to the bottom in a big ole creek. The West Virginians hollered "Next time ya'll need to pay more attention to yer back!"
Of course, there wont no Indians..but they pulled a big ole shuck and jive on the Virginians..and set the Virginia/West Virginia border just the other side of that creek.
That flat top hill is now known as High Town and that creek was from then on named "Back Creek." That creek, nowadays, flows into Lake Moomaw in the western part of good ole Virginnie.
The End
P.S. This here is a good ole mountain folks tale..told to me over and over by my Pa.