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Old 04-16-2005, 01:24 PM
tooldummy tooldummy is offline
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Posts: 449
Taurus Model 85 Ultra Lite for daughter

My daughter works at a semi-truck repair facility and gets off work late at night and has to lock up by herself a lot of nights. She deals with some pretty rough people sometimes, and the place is pretty isulated that time of night. Although there is a security guard there, he is on the other side of the building 300 yards away. Then there is the 30 mile drive home, 5 of which is country roads with little traffic.
Today we went and bought her a handgun. She liked a Taurus Model 85 Ultra Lite in .38 Special. I reload for this calibre, so I sort of leaned towards it for the cost of shooting it. She won't really be wearing it concealled much, just when she walks to her car and then keep it handy during the drive home. My question is (although it's about too late now that I've already bought it) is was this a pretty good choice for a self defense gun? I might add my daughter is 21, experienced with handguns, and a pretty good sized girl.
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