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Old 04-17-2005, 07:19 PM
Jack Jack is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Georgia
Posts: 6,087
Barrel, one thing to keep in mind: hunting hours in the US are typically from sunrise to sunset- that's what they are in NY State.
Since you aren't likely to be allowed to hunt after sunset (or before sunrise) you often don't need the very large light sucking monster scopes that europeans use so much.
The 3-9x40's will do fine on most 22's and game rifles. For varmint rifles like the 223, you might wanna go to a 4-12 or so...
Also, the are you're moving to allows shotguns, muzzle loaders, and handguns for deer hunting, but not rifles- at least in the immediate area you'll be living in. Shotguns with rifled barrels are legal.
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