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Old 04-23-2005, 01:34 PM
Andy L Andy L is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Eldon Mo
Posts: 1,916
Mine are all cheap. Havent found the perfect way to carry yet, but all are ok.

I have a Berretta Bobcat 22lr I carry almost all the time. I have a leather wallet style holster that fits perfectly in my back pocket and you cannot tell its anything but a wallet. No idea there are 8 little 22 pills waiting for quick use.

I have a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in 44spl I carry alot. I have a neopreme IWB holster that works well. I can carry it at 11:00 or 4:00 pretty comfortable. But, I also have a high ride paddle holster that works well. Depending on the season, I either wear long T-shirts or sweatshirts most days and untuck. This conceals well, even though its not deep cover.

I also carry a Glock 17 some. I do it the same as the Pug with a paddle tactical holster. Under the shirt.

Good Luck
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