Thread: Just a thought
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Old 04-25-2005, 06:12 AM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
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You know in my book, some things dont have to be as difficult as people like to make easy solutions uh? well common sense has and always will be the best way....we have a pool of labor that is being under utilized right under our noses...cant force them to work? who said? and who says even if thats the case it has to stay that way? Employers want to pay minimum wage? OK seems thats still more money than the inmates are getting now...most work release programs at least here in Florida has the state as the employer, parks, management areas etc...lets not digress..lately I have watched programs where companies want and need the lessor paid employees to stay in business...because of outsourcing suggestion is to go to the well we already have and make it pay for all of us...a hundred years ago immigrants were the backbone of our they are crippleing us with the burden of accomodating their culture...go back to basics...go back to common sense....because what we have isnt working......
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