Your so right we do live in a different part of the country and there is really no lumping on this. You pick the ones that want to work and go with it and on the same area you Pay them the going rate for the work they do !
I knew a guy that would get DOC kids to work for him and then he would pay them **** and work the heck out of them and pay them very little. He was no better in my book then the kids working for him. Slave Farm !
In different areas they do have work farms where these people are required to work for the jail. I don't think we have that in SD.
Work release in my state is generally when they already have a job at hand and instead of losing it they are allowed to get out.
The ones I deal with are the folks that don't have a prior job and would like to do something with their life. The ones that are just out to be out are weeded out and I send them back and they know that from the start.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
"It is not the kill anymore it's the Quality of the hunt"
Last edited by Nulle; 04-25-2005 at 08:23 AM.