Thread: Just a thought
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Old 04-25-2005, 11:31 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland
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I think what you are doing is great. Work release in Maryland is the same as it is in South Dakota and different from Florida. Those with jobs when they go in get to go to work and that is about it. For the most part it is house arrest with the ability to work during the day.

The problem with immigrant labor is that a lot of employers get away with paying them less than minimum wage. My granite client's payroll is estimated to be $210,000 for this year. If he could get away with paying half of what he pays by paying illegals, don't you think he would want to save $105,000? Of course, it is illegal to hire illegal aliens, but a lot of other things are illegal and business owners try to get away with them anyway. It is illegal to claim tax deductions on a Schedule C when the expenses are personal expenses, but I see plenty of people doing it and/or trying to do it.


As far as being barely legal, there is always that grey area where one side might think it is legal and the other side thinks it is illegal. That is about where these guys fabricating granite fall.
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