Thread: Just a thought
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Old 04-25-2005, 07:05 PM
Valigator Valigator is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
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Boy oh Boy do I love this website....stir the pot and the fire just burns........someone made the comment they didnt want an enbezzler on the payroll, another didnt think inmates would be hired...look the jobs I am talking about and the jobs you hear the most about needing cheap labor are not in the main office...OK...they are in agriculture....they are in the seafood business...peeling crab....they are in dry cleaning ....I can go on and on....they need this labor force because so called American citizens are not gonna work for 5-6-7-8-and in some areas 10 bucks an hour.....benefits....shoot I have worked in some of the highest end employers in Ft. Lauderdale and I am spending more and more on my own benefits, unless I am sucking them up in the public service industry....which I have never been envolved in....the biggest nut in my state is Department of Corrections....not all inmates are serial killers....but sending them back in mainstream for 36 cents an hour on public property is ludicrous...versus 5 dollars an hour on an illegal who disappears into society within 6 months...smuggles his family in...and sucks our healthcare to sheads...uninsured...being paid cash every week because there is no paper trail...and sucking the life blood out of the rest of us....look I am not immigrant bashing....I am illegal alien bashing.....the solution is under our noses...and nobody sees it....Inmates need to pay back what they suck up...either in restitution....parole or supervision payments...and being released back into our society with 50 bucks and a bus ticket seems to be a revolving door for our system....give them the ability to save for release...maybe they wont come back to haunt us in 10 months...which seems to be the standard reoffending time...
nothing like the smell of chanel and gunpowder in the morning
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